I'd like to attribute it to a deep feeling of need...
More than anything I would love for it have occurred due to a love so deeply ignited all those years ago that you too had never been able to extinguish it's flames....
Alas, it was none of these things... Instead only the alcohol is to blame."

Mi gente, what do you think... Does alcohol act as a truth serum or some form of liquid courage? Does it give people the ability to say and do things they've always wanted to say/do? Does it heighten genuine emotion? Can it make people profess feelings of love and need that they were previously unable to divulge?
Or is it like those silly t-shirt sayings: "the more I drink the better you look"? Does alcohol lower your standards? Does it make you do things you'd never want to do in a sober state? Make you feel things you don't actually feel?
I've always wondered about this... If it happens while you've been drinking can it still be considered real/true?
Case Study: ME... Looking back at my own random tipsy escapades, it's clear that there have been instances when I was more revealing of my emotions/thoughts after drinking then when I was sober. I've also been known to forget that I don't have any dance skills to speak of and just dance-dance-dance as if I do. Despite that, I don't recall ever doing anything that goes against my character - I've never professed my love for someone that I didn't love, or come on to someone I wasn't already attracted to...
So how does one interpret someone else's actions/words if done or said after having a few drinks? Are they valid? Or should they simply be dismissed? The left side of my brain screams "You know the answer to these silly questions!" but my heart still wants to believe that there is something genuine in these liquid encounters.
Man I can really write a whole book on this. I've been judged wrongly for my behavior when I used to drink, especially by people that were not around me any other time but when I was partying (DUH!). Now I only drink roughly 4-5 times a year, but I have to say... truth is somewhere in the middle, as usual. I don't think alcohol will make you fall in love with someone you're not interested in to begin with, unless you're passed out somewhere and you're having a black-out lol... I do think that in does induce a bit more courage... and for some people (myself included) the extrovert in me comes out... I tend to hold real important emotions deeply in, but unfortunately I found that alcohol brings some out... the courage to admit some, at least... I think when you are emotionally shy (and you know what I mean... someone can be the most flamboyant human being and still be emotionally shy...) alcohol will make you a bit more talkative on the matter than usual. And I do believe that a lot of truth comes out when you're drinking and "letting it all out" (words-wise). I had the most heart-to-heart and the most emotionally charged deep conversations with at least 2 of my best friends over a glass of wine or a Corona! There were no inhibitions, no holding back, so truth is spoken all the way... Now, about gettin a lil frisky when drinking... hm... some people hold on to different sexual frustrations and if that's the case, than you can "blame it on the alcohol" since it will bring out the little animal in you! Hahaha, so no, chicky, whom were we talking about?
ReplyDeleteI hear you and can relate to a lot of what you've written. Especially this bit "someone can be the most flamboyant human being and still be emotionally shy..." I'm just not sure that something can be valid if it's only said or done when under the influence. I can't deny that I've had some great moments while I've been drinking - some great tête à tête's, hilarious episodes, and romantic encounters. It can definitely help loosen up one's inhibitions. Perhaps I'm a dreamer (actually, I am) but if the want is so strong and the feelings are that deep between two people, shouldn't these interactions also take place when no alkie is involved? Sure, alcohol can be a great ice breaker... I can only imagine how many people have let their self-imposed guards down while drinking but, I don't know.... I guess I just want to believe that there is carry-through. That what might have been initiated under the haze of liquor can trascend the need for alcoholic crutches. But then again I've never been an avid drinker - more of a part-time social imbiber, and having grown up with an alcoholic I've come to appreciate the lucid moments shared between humans that aren't tarnished or muddled by booze, the moments that aren't wrapped in confusion or can be tossed aside as not being genuine. I've witnessed people say and do things they would never do in a sober state - or at least they would think 3 or 4 times about it before actually acting upon it - and then regret it the next day. And who want's to live in a state of regret?
ReplyDeleteI'm not a drinker to begin with but I don't really believe that whole nonsense of people say the truth when their drunk. I do feel that people know that they can let go of some of their inhibitions and be more of who they really want to be. I can say that I'm sillier when I;m drunk but I have never ever done something that I have regretted or need to be ashamed of. It does bother me when people lose control of themselves and other people feel the obligated to look after them. I know that sounds mean but poeple have a responsibility on themselves to have control, especially coming from a family who are a bunch of drunks, smh. No one has ever professed their love to me drunk or not and I have never done such a thing. Isn't it sad, lol. No, not really. I want the first time that I hear someone tell me they love me its because they mean it and I want to remember that for the rest of my life.