Saturday, June 19, 2010

Remembering Father's Day...

Since my dad passed away 6 years ago, I haven't really acknowledged Father's Day... There just didn't seem to be a point to celebrate father's day without having my papi right by my side here on earth.

What I’m slowly starting to remember is that for nearly 27 years of my life I was fortunate enough to have my father's loving presence in my life. Although life wasn't always easy, and we didn't see eye-to-eye on an innumerable amount of things, I always knew deep down that my father loved me very much... That I was his little girl no matter how much older I became (and man, have I become old). I learned a lot from my father. In many ways, he helped to shape me into who I am today - and who I’m not.

I've also begun to remember that my father wasn't the only father figure in my life... Uncles, brothers, cousins, neighbors, friends... I've been on the receiving end of much unconditional love and support from these men. They too deserve my praises... Whilst my father's spirit continues to radiate love and protect me from a different plane, the men that are here in my life in this moment continue to provide me the hugs, the encouragement, the guidance that I - strong, independent-minded, intelligent adult female that I view myself as - still need.

Even though the idea of Father's Day without my dad still saddens me, I’m thankful for regaining this much-needed perspective.

Recognizing all the father figures that have brought continuous love, support and positivity to this world. May God bless each of them every day and provide them the strength to be the best fathers and men they can be, now and always. And for those of us that no longer have our fathers by our sides, or perhaps never had them at all, well, this silly video pretty much says it all…

Special shout outs to the extra special hombres that have played key roles in my life and upbringing: Tio Tite, Tio Luis, Tio Pancho, Tio Tomas, Tio Juan, Curtis, Tio Watson, Abuelo Nicolas, Abuelo Papolin, Harold, Jaimito, Claudio, Lucho, Kuki, Reuben... So blessed to have had you in some way, shape or form in my life.

I love you papi.

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